Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013 - Understanding

Garlic is a wonderful seasoning. It adds flavor to breads, sauces, dips, casseroles. It works as an accent flavor to perk things up. Yet try to chew on a clove separate from the dish. The pungent, sharp odor and taste is not something to savor alone. There are many things in life we believe we might want. Given in small doses they are easy to manage. They may even spice up our life a bit and make other moments easier to accept. But no one can pour their focus into just one thing of life. We have to be able to move from family to friends to spouse to child to work to play. Within each group is a subdivision of many more groups. God has created us in His own image, that of versatility and responsiveness. We must seek understanding and discipline in managing the many resources of life God places before us or we will become overwhelmed and distracted from our true purpose: to love, serve and be happy with God. Place your trust in God, study His word, seek His will, and in this You will be graced with wisdom and discernment and the choices of each moment will be a source of joy.

Just as it is injurious to drink wine by itself, or again water alone, whereas wine mixed with water is pleasant and produces a delightful sense of well-being, so skill in presenting the incidents is what delights the understanding of those who read the book. - 2 Maccabees 15:39

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