Monday, September 11, 2017


Like many Americans, I have been diligently following the paths of the hurricanes out in our ocean. And, like many, I have friends and loved ones impacted by each storm. Paralleling these wet storms, are fires combing through the desserts of the north and west: again, in the path of those I care for. Throughout our lives, everyone is enduring a storm. Some are of great magnitude, bringing the attention of many. We can see the fire and the rain, and we share the pain. However, many storms are internal to the individual, quiet and unknown to the world around them. We may not recognize the need and the hurt, but it is there, aching to be healed. Every storm has one common thread. Always, within each there is God: bigger, louder, quieter, bolder, more persistent,and exponentially more powerful. Remember to place Him before your turmoil. Lift Him higher than the rage. Whether, you know the pain, or can only guess at the stress, reaching out in love through prayer and a helping hand will make a difference in this life we live.  

Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, And He brought them out of their distresses. - Psalm 107:28

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