Sunday, July 16, 2017

July 16, 2017  - Cause

Cause and effect; it is a theory learned in school and proven throughout life.  Whenever something happens, no matter where, when, or why, it affects something and someone else. There will be times in our lives when something happens beyond our control that will be devastating and impact our lives in ways we feel we are not prepared to take on. We must remember, however, that as we do carry on, the way we embrace our own pain and suffering will impact the loved one next to us. It is a hard battle and a tough choice to release our pain to God and allow each choice we make to affect another as one of grace instead of sorrow.  May we align ourselves so closely with our Father that our actions reflect His very being and the effect becomes one of eternal grace.

Remember the last things and stop hating, corruption and death, and be faithful to the commandments. Remember the commandments, and do not bear you fellow ill-will, remember the covenant of the Most High, and ignore the offence. - Ecclesiasticus 28:6,7

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