Sunday, April 23, 2017

April 23, 2017 - Happiness

I once thought of happiness as a state of mind, yet there are moments in my life that have been filled with unshakable sorrow no matter how hard I tried to shake it.  In prayer, I have come to realize that our emotions are a gift from God.  When we truly anguish through the pains of a sinful world, we are feeling the heart of God.  We grow in understanding, acceptance, hope, and unconditional love. For those who walk close to Him, His emotions become a part of our being.  I give thanks to God for his gifts.  As my sorrow finds peace in God's hands, my heart can be freed to accept the Grace He has for me: the grace of happiness, praise, and thanksgiving.  I pray today that you will be graced with happiness, and filled with the beauty of sharing God's heart.

I know there is no happiness for a human being except in pleasure and enjoyment through life. And when we eat and drink and find happiness in all our achievements, this is a gift from God. - Ecclesiastes 3: 12,13

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