There are moments in
everyone's life when God shares a little bit more of Himself with us.
Those times when we actually "get it". The moments when
something happens so out of the norm, that it is unexplained by anything else
but the hand of God. In these wow moments are our mountains. We stand
high and awed, totally enamored with life. But, the reality is, we must
come down from this mountain. We must take the strength, the peace, the
renewed sense of joy, and make the journey back down into the valley. We
have work to do. God's kingdom needs built and more mountains need
conquered. When you find yourself in that valley, remember the mountain,
don't just stand gazing at it, wishing you were on top again. Roll up
your sleeves. Pick up your tools and start the climb. And make
certain, that you grab a friend or two to make the journey with you.
Be vigilant, stay firm in the faith, be brave and
strong. Let everything you do be done in love.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14
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