A familiar fable from my childhood years is the story of the Little Red Hen. She planted, reaped, prepared, and cooked her family a delicious meal while the lazy neighbors watched. The moral: laziness equates to an absence on the guest list. Yet, in my particular storybook, I wasn't convinced. I noticed the baby chicks got to share in the meal. Throughout the book the illustrator crafted them holding seeds, playing with a hoe, licking the serving spoon, etc., but it appeared to my child's mind that they never worked as hard as the mother hen. When I asked my mother why they ate when they didn't cook, she pointed out that they did help; every little bit they gave was perfectly enough for their mother.
How blessed we are that our Heavenly Father feels our labor is enough. When we feel we can't give enough, that our labor is in vain, we have no respect, our efforts fail, remember: God calls us to love Him, and serve Him. We are not called to be the best, the most successful, or the greatest. We are called to love Him and within this love, He fills all our needs and we share in the greatest banquet of all times.
As the share of the man who goes into battle, so is the share of the man who stays with the baggage. - 1 Samuel 30:24b
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