Thursday, October 24, 2013

October 24 - PERSONAL BEST

I woke this morning and shuffled over to the wall light switch. As I popped the light on I wondered if Benjamin Franklin ever refused to get out of bed because he would rather to play with electricity than write the Constitution?"  God has graced us with so many talents. We are called to use them all for His Kingdom. Our hobbies can make just as much of an impact on another as our occupation. It is up to us to give them our personal best in order that they may be fruitful. In the moments that we would rather play, let us remember the rewards of a disciplined life.  Benjamin Franklin's first desire was to go into the clergy. His life's course resulted in touching more lives than he ever imagined as a lay person. Trust God, and embrace the path you are on. When you give your personal best, God's light with shine through you for all eternity.

Out of all your gifts you shall present every offering due to the LORD, from all the best of them, the sacred part from them. - Numbers 18:29

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