Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday, August 9, 2013 - Children

Is it possible to pray our children into heaven?  Scripture states that every man is responsible for his own actions. We all have the right to choose. We suffer the consequences for each of our wrong choices and reap the blessings from each right one. Yet, as a mother, it is hard to watch our child struggle as she choses her path. How do we know that it is wrong or right for her? We are all created in God's image, all with unique passions and personalities. We each are set on this earth for a purpose and which can only be pursued by the individual. The answer does lie in prayer. Living our own life in a daily walk with God, enriches us in Grace. And, likewise, when we walk in His Grace, this Grace is shared with others. Yes, we pray for our children's safety as they explore the paths laid before them. We pray for their peace and joy that they will live a full and blessed life. But the ultimate choice is theirs. And the beauty within that choice is that when they can walk in the Grace of the parent steeped in prayer, they will find the right path and live a life for God.

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth.… Psalm 127:3-4

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